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Selamat atas Medali Perunggu, Berliano Saptha Wiryawan! Byan, siswa Taman Kanak-Kanak B kami, adalah Peraih Medali Perunggu Kejuaraan Taekwondo Turnamen Terbuka Bangka Belitung ke-5 2019 di kategori Kyukpa. Senang sekali melihat anak kami mendapat penghargaan atas hal yang mereka sukai. Kami bangga, Byan!
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Our students are competing to become the Ambassador of Cleanliness. They describe their vision and mission if they are chosen. Before the election, we gave them one week to show their efforts. 
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Let’s coloring with watercolors!
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Outing day for our Kindergarten A’s students! As part of enriching their learning experiences, our students are in the middle of being introduced to any kind of profession. Yesterday’s outing they visited DAMKAR to learn about Firefighters, one of the community helpers of occupation. They 
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It’s finally Kindergarten B’s turn to have an Outing day! They visited POLDA to learn and see directly how the Police Station Traffic Directorate’s life. They learn about traffic signs, had tour patrol vehicles (police car & motorcycle), also introduced the Police’s costume and the 
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Our grade 2 just went to the Cual Fabric Museum as their outing place. This outing aims to enhance the spirit of learning and also to expand students’ knowledge. After visiting the Museum, our children learned more about Bangka’s traditional cloth, Kain Cual. Like what 
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Outing is a learning process conducted outside the classroom or outside the school, outing itself aims to improve the spirit of learning to students and also to expand their knowledge. This learning process is very effective to foster the spirit of learning to students because 
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Islamic Fair is held to celebrate the Islamic New Year to obtain the spirit of contemplation of self-improvement and gratitude. There is a showcase of students’ talents and skills in aspects of religion, in the form of presentations, projects, and performances. Our Kindergarten students were 
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Hubungi Kami
  • Jl. Kartini Utama Raya, Selindung, Kec. Gabek, Kota Pangkal Pinang, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 33172
  • +62 71 7910-8657
  • admin_bangka@mutiaraharapan.sch.id