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Our Students celebrating Isra Miraj

In order to celebrate Isra Miraj 1442H, our students did a Virtual Field Trip to The Most Beautiful Mosques in The World. There were also storytelling sessions and a trivia quiz for obligatory prayers and guessing the movements made when reading certain prayers during prayers such as iftitah prayers and so on.

There was also a puppet show by Mr. Khairil Ganjar with a story telling to make the event more interesting.

With the virtual Isra Miraj 1442 H event, hopefully, it can increase the spirit to always perform 5 prayers on time.

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  • Jl. Kartini Utama Raya, Selindung, Kec. Gabek, Kota Pangkal Pinang, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 33172
  • +62 71 7910-8657
  • admin_bangka@mutiaraharapan.sch.id