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Primary Field Study from Home

During home learning period, not only learning is done from each house, but also Field Study. Our grade 1 students visited San Diego Zoo, our grade 2 visited tourist attractions in Bangka Belitung, and our grade 3 students visited Amazon Rainforest and Tapanuli North Sumatra.

After Virtual Field Study, our students draw pictures of the activities or things they like the most. Such as the Sumatran Elephant, Amazon Rainforest, Dolphin, Bukit Pintar, and others.

Visiting virtual feels more fun because we visit it together. Hopefully, when the situation gets better, we can visit these places directly!

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Hubungi Kami
  • Jl. Kartini Utama Raya, Selindung, Kec. Gabek, Kota Pangkal Pinang, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 33172
  • +62 71 7910-8657
  • admin_bangka@mutiaraharapan.sch.id