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Webinar telah berlangsung pada hari Kamis, 10 Desember 2020 lalu. Dibuka oleh sambutan dari Bunda Monica, Bunda PAUD Pangkalpinang, dari Bapak Eddy, Kepala Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Pangkalpinang, serta dari Ibu Indiarti, Kepala Sekolah MHIS Bangka. Selama kurang lebih dua jam kita mendapat pemahaman baru 
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Mutiara Harapan Islamic School Bangka mengundang Bapak/Ibu untuk menghadiri webinar “Kesiapan Orang Tua dan Guru di Era New Normal”. Era di mana kita dituntut untuk beradaptasi di segala situasi dengan cepat. Tidak terkecuali dalam pembelajaran, baik itu dilakukan secara jarak jauh atau secara tatap muka. 
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Teacher’s Surprise Day!Last Friday, the Principal, Staff and parents gave a surprise to the teachers.They expressed how grateful they were to the teachers. Our students draw and write messages for the teachers and decorate them on their vehicles as a form of drive-in-surprise.It’s great to 
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Virtual English Fair: Inspiring Stories, Brightening My World. For three days, we have spent our days filled with projects presentation from each class in Kindergarten and Primary. In accordance with the theme, the projects we do are related to a ‘story’. We do relay storytelling, 
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Virtual English Fair: Inspiring Stories, Brightening My World. For three days, we have spent our days filled with projects presentation from each class in Kindergarten and Primary. In accordance with the theme, the projects we do are related to a ‘story’. We do relay storytelling, 
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Jumat, 13 November 2020 adalah hari pertama MHIS Bangka Berbagi dilaksanakan. Kegiatan yang bekerja sama dengan Orang Tua Murid ini bertujuan untuk berbagi kepada siapapun yang membutuhkan pangan sebagai bagian dari tiga kebutuhan pokok dalam sehari-hari. Insya Allah kami akan selalu melaksanakan MHIS Bangka Berbagi 
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It’s time to virtual field study for our Kindergarten kids! Our Kindergarten A went to see traditional houses from various regions. First, they went to Jakarta and see the traditional houses of East Java, West Sumatra, and South Sulawesi at TMII. After that, they went 
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During home learning period, not only learning is done from each house, but also Field Study. Our grade 1 students visited San Diego Zoo, our grade 2 visited tourist attractions in Bangka Belitung, and our grade 3 students visited Amazon Rainforest and Tapanuli North Sumatra. 
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This year, Pesantren Ramadan was held in a different way. This was our first time implementing Online Pesantren Ramadan. For two days, our Teachers and Students from Primary grade 1 met virtually doing various activities, such as Muraja’ah, lecturing about Ramadan with Mr. Abdul, and 
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Alhamdulillah, Mutiara Harapan Islamic School Bangka was given another opportunity to do charity with parents to give to people around the school. We are working with DKM Nurul Ghani Mosque to distribute several daily necessities packages and some cash for orphan children. In addition, we 
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Hubungi Kami
  • Jl. Kartini Utama Raya, Selindung, Kec. Gabek, Kota Pangkal Pinang, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 33172
  • +62 71 7910-8657
  • admin_bangka@mutiaraharapan.sch.id