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Teachers’ Exchange Program Batch II

Teacher Exchange Program batch two. For two weeks, Ms. Fatma has participated in various training sessions since the first day of March. She had sessions with the Vice Director, Principal, R&D, also with the teachers. Ms. Fatma started her first Monday by joining the KG A and KG B classes, then the phonics session with our Expatriate, Ms. Sarah, mentoring session on how to communicate with parents, class management, how importance of daily routine, subject material management, strategies on handling students’ cases, mentoring with Head of Development Class; class management with special needs students, also mentoring sessions on how to conduct the Sentra Balok.

Related to the COVID-19 issue, there were several workshops which had to be canceled and replaced with online learning training using various applications to be used during the Home Learning period.

Ms. Fatma obtained a lot of new knowledge and ideas through this exchange program. We are proud of our teachers who always want to learn and grow together for continuous improvement in providing the best education for our students.

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  • +62 71 7910-8657
  • admin_bangka@mutiaraharapan.sch.id